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Press – Nowherebound Nowherebound - Austin Punk Rock Thu, 18 Oct 2018 23:26:21 +0000 en hourly 1 Press – Nowherebound 32 32 Maybe, Maybe Not-There Was No Part Two: The Last Six Months Thu, 18 Oct 2018 23:23:23 +0000 Fellow Lost Ruffians! (Get it? ‘Cause we’re NOWHEREBOUND!) There’s your cheese…

Chelsea here. I recently fell off the face of the earth (no, I don’t believe it’s flat) due to ridiculous amounts of recording, working, playing and life stuff. We finished the recording part of the album some time ago, and Clint has been hard at work mixing and bouncing. Mixing and bouncing. Mixing…. and….bouncing. The end of the road is still out of sight, but the wait will be so incredibly worth it. That is a promise from yours truly.

We’ve been really enjoying practicing these new songs and getting them stage ready. We’ve had a little live practice, too. This past weekend we hosted, organized and played a Beto for Senate Fundraiser. Here in Texas, we’re getting ready for a senatorial election and Beto is the guy we back. It hasn’t necessarily been the easiest road for me, this being my first experience being so politically open as an artist. I wasn’t always active in Nowherebound, for those who may not know. I went down my own rabbit trail for a few years…. but that’s another story for another time. Needless to say the nay sayers are outspoken and not modest by any means, but I’m no martyr. I’m proud of my boys for standing up tall and with a smile. I felt like it was handled with the utmost respect and dignity, and I was truly humbled by the whole damn thing. All in all, it was a two day event that left me swimming in warm and fuzzies. All the bands that participated kicked major ass. I got to meet SO MANY people who feel the same way we do about wanting to not only believe in change, but DO something about it.  We had several companies that donated items to the raffle we held as well. Check down below for a full list of everyone that participated! We’d love to continue to support these bands and companies for being a part of something that is very near and dear to our hearts.

Apart from that, we’re gearing up for our next go around which happens to be my 30th birthday! That’ll be at Kick Butt here in Austin in support of one of our favorites, Sniper 66. They’re releasing a kick ass album and I can’t wait to be a part of such a special night. We’re going to continue working hard to get this new music to you as soon as we can, and we hope this post reaches you well.

It’s so crazy how even just writing about my love of these people makes me a little teary eyed. I wouldn’t be the empowered, strong, bold, and fearless woman I am without each and every one of these amazing punk rockers in my life. Whether or not you believe in being outspoken politically or otherwise, there’s one thing I’d like to define. As far as I’m concerned, punk is not just a genre of music. It’s a way of life. It’s about equality, compassion, empathy, human rights, belief in our ability to be the change, and above all… LOVE. I was so proud when my best friend got up on stage to do his solo set on Saturday afternoon, and his political rant consisted of something along the lines of: It doesn’t matter which side of the political spectrum you fall on, or which side you think is right or wrong. It’s about waking up every morning and being the best version of yourself. Well said, Jacob. I think that hits the nail right on the head.

Sorry, but not sorry for getting a little mushy and opinionated. I guess that’s the beauty of being in charge of writing the blog. I get to do what I want! Comment below and tell us how you’ve been. Because we aren’t Nowherebound without our family, friends and fans. We need you as much as you want us around. And we love you.

From hearts the size of Texas,


Participants of our Beto for Senate Fundraiser include:


The Last Callers
All Opposed
The Awful Lot
Sorted Scoundrels
Knocked Out Stiffs
Black Irish Texas
Natchet Taylor and Erik Larson
Chelsea Barbo
Jacob Pruitt
Blake Van Buren
Mary Beth
Hazard of the Industry
Erik Larson and Peacemaker
Shitty Advice
The Clastic
Zero Percent
Disko Wolves


Kick Butt
Via 313
Suite 2E Recording Studio
Hard Luck Lounge
White Horse
Hole In The Wall
BK Artistry
Rosewood Barbershop

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London Celtic Punk Reviews “Hearts & Arrows” Tue, 20 Dec 2016 03:56:49 +0000 Hearts & Arrows coverFull Article Here:

We have been long time fans of Texan band Nowherebound and while they may not be a celtic-punk band, or even a folk-punk band, but they are simply fantastic so deserve their spot here. If you can imagine a fast and heavy punk rock band that somehow manages to squeeze enough folk melodies into their songs then that’s them. A folk band in all but their music! Coming out of the same camp as punk bands like Social Distortion, Rancid, and Gaslight Anthem but with their cap tipped firmly in the direction of the Murphys or The Pogues. Much more straight up punk rock then their previous releases have been they toured Europe again in 2016, for the umpteenth time, but unfortunately have not made it to Blighty yet. From hard rock in-yer-face to pop punk melodies to raise-your-glass-and-sing-along-anthems Nowherebound that hit you in both the heart and the head.

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Kids and Heroes Review of “Hearts & Arrows” – CZ Sun, 13 Nov 2016 03:16:41 +0000 Hearts & Arrows coverSee full article here.

Když před několika lety ukončili činnost texaští Born To Lose, mrzelo mě to, a určitě jsem nebyl sám – ovšem nebyl by to Chris Klinck a jeho parta, kdyby snad přestali být hudebně činní. Nowherebound už brázdí pódia nějakou dobu naprosto sebejistě a přináší posluchačům radost z amerického punku, kombinovaného s country a folkovými tendencemi. Jejich upřímný rock’n’roll byl původně spíše komornějšího akustického ražení, během let ovšem přišlo ke slovu opět více spoluhráčů, elektrické kytary, více nástrojů a říznější zvuk. Songy s texty, plnými bolesti, slz, strádání, ale i odvahy jít dál, neztrácet naději a hlavně zůstat sám sebou. Beznadějní romantici, drsní postmoderní kovbojové, osudové ženy. Noirové příběhy o lásce a nenávisti. Po vydání čtyř plnohodnotných alb a dalších materiálů přicházejí Nowherebound s pátým studiovým albem, pojmenovaným Hearts & Arrows.

Nutno říci, že na posledním zářezu opět přitvrdili – od akustického punku předchozích alb postupně přešli až do pozice, u níž si místy vzpomenete na původní Born To Lose, avšak nebudete ochuzeni ani o nový vítr do plachet. Naléhavý vypravěčský projev zpěváka Chrise v kombinaci se sborovými vokály pořád funguje. Po hudební stránce se jedná o vyrovnané a ucelené album, ovšem neuškodil by trochu více garážový a „špinavý“ zvuk. Chris a lidé kolem něj měli vždy co říci a hodně příběhů na srdci, nicméně celková stopáž alba, přesahující při šestnácti kusech (sedmnácti včetně bonusu) padesát minut, už může být moc velká nálož.

Obecně si příliš nepotrpím na kratší songy, fungující jako intro k desce – málokdy totiž mají smysl, většinou vyzní do prázdna. U první položky alba, The Processional, tomu je trochu jinak; působí nejen jako element k navození atmosféry večera, příjemně stráveného na koncertě s přáteli, ale i coby delší úvod k The Cursed, kdy už posluchač naskočí do omláceného vozu amerického nákladního vlaku nebo se nalodí na plachetnici, již chtěl mít vždycky vytetovanou na rameni, a vyrazí na divokou cestu. Celé album se valí vpřed jako parní lokomotiva – jednou pomaleji, více folkově a zasněně, kdy se objevují klávesy, piáno nebo rozervaná a sténající foukací harmonika, podruhé rychle a nekompromisně, v duchu typického amerického punk rock’n’rollu, spoléhajíc na ostré kytary, navztekaný zpěv a zběsilé back-vokály. V podstatě autobiografické vyprávění, obsahující odkaz na Rolling Stones, je v Troubadours podpořeno svižným tempem a zběsilým kytarovým sólem, přičemž prvky mi připomínají něco od Rat City Riot. Problémem dalších songů je, že jejich schéma je dost podobné – nezní úplně stejně, drží atmosféru vysoko, ale dalším záchytným bodem jsou pak až Carry On (závan naděje, přesně v srdcařském duchu kapely) a vlajkový song Hearts & Arrows. Tuto položku ale v druhé polovině alba přebije vál Those Were The Days a jeho nostalgická atmosféra, piáno, harmonika i kytarové sólo v duchu so-cal uskupení ála Social Distortion. Red River & 8th se zas krom vyprávění, nasáklého chlastem a rock’n’rollem, může pyšnit i vtipným a divokým závěrem v duchu Ramones, 78702 je o nepříliš růžové historické i aktuální situaci, týkající se pozemků a městského uspořádání v domovském městě kapely, texaském Austinu. Intro desky zajišťovalo přátelskou party atmosféru, outro v podobě The Benediction je rozloučením ve smyslu „zůstaňte sami sebou a mějte se, než se znovu potkáme“.

Album Hearts & Arrows působí jako vřelé přátelské objetí v chladných před-apokalyptických časech, kdy musíte naději, dobro a optimismus dolovat jako vzácné klenoty; neklade si za cíl být převratnou nahrávkou, ale je nabité jistou pozitivní energií. Nemusí člověka bavit napoprvé, je třeba dát všemu dostatek času a soustředit se na vypravěčský um Nowherebound.

English Translation (Powered by Google Translate):

When Born To Lose ended up working a few years ago, I was sorry, and I was certainly not alone – but it would not be Chris Klinck and his band if they stopped doing musically. Nowherebound has been stealing the stage for quite some time, giving audience the joy of American punk combined with country and folk tendencies. Their honest rock’n’roll was originally a more amiable acoustic stamp, but over the years, more of the teammates, electric guitars, more instruments, and more sophisticated sound came to mind. Songs with lyrics, full of pain, tears, hardship, but also the courage to go on, not to waste hope and to remain alone. Hopeless romantics, harsh postmodern cowboys, fateful women. Nora’s stories of love and hatred. After the release of four full-featured albums and other materials, Nowherebound comes with their fifth studio album, named “Hearts & Arrows”.

It has to be said that the last notch has been restrained – from the acoustic punch of the previous albums, they have gradually moved to the position where you will remember the original Born To Lose, but you will not be deprived of a new wind in the sails. The urgent narrative performance of singer Chris in combination with choral vocals is still working. On the music side, this is a balanced and comprehensive album, but it would not be a bit more garage or “dirty” sound. Chris and the people around him always had a lot to say and a lot of stories to heart, but the overall footage of the album, exceeding fifteen pieces (seventeen including a bonus) of fifty minutes, can be a very big charge.

Generally, I do not think too much about shorter songs, working like an intro on a record – they rarely make sense, mostly sounds empty. The first album item, The Processional, is a bit different; not only as an element to bring the evening atmosphere pleasantly spent on a concert with friends, but also as a longer introduction to The Cursed, when the listener jumps into the muddy American freight train or embarks on a sailboat and always wants to tattooed on his shoulder; will go on a wild journey. The whole album rolls forward as a steam locomotive – one slower, more folk and dreamlike, when the keys, the piano or the torn and humming blowing accordion appear, the second time fast and uncompromising, in the spirit of typical American punk rock’n’roll, relying on sharp guitars , chanting vocals and frantic back-vocals. In essence, the autobiographical narrative, including a link to Rolling Stones, is backed up at Troubadours at a brisk pace and a frantic guitar solo, with elements reminding me of something from Rat City Riot. The problem with the other songs is that their scheme is quite similar – it does not sound the same, it keeps the atmosphere high, but the next clue is Carry On and the Hearts & Arrows flagship song. In the second half of the album, however, this album is overwhelmed by Those Were The Days and its nostalgic atmosphere, piano, harmonica, and guitar solo in the spirit of the Social Distortion social group. The Red River & 8th also boasts a humorous and wild ending in the spirit of Ramones, 78702 is a not too pink historical and current situation concerning land and urban arrangement in the home town of the band, Austin, Texas. The intro boards ensured a friendly party atmosphere, the outro in the form of The Benediction is a farewell in the sense of “stay with yourself and have a good time before we meet again”.

The Hearts & Arrows album acts as a warm, friendly hug in the cold pre-apocalyptic times when you have to make hope, good and optimism doll as rare jewels; does not aim to be a breakthrough recording, but is filled with some positive energy. You do not have to have fun for the first time, you need to give yourself enough time and focus on Nowherebound narrator.

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Nowherebound Interview Listening Party and Chat Mon, 24 Oct 2016 16:26:53 +0000 PunkRockers Radio interviews Nowherebound and Get Dead…

prr-logo…and are broadcasting it live on October 25th, 2016 at 1PM (Central Time USA) or 8PM (CET Europe). Be sure to listen in by going to and then, just press PLAY. Join the chat there as members of Nowherebound will be in the chat room.

24×7 punk rock internet radio.

GET DEAD from Los Angeles have belonged to my current favorite bands for several years. Nowherebound from Austin in Texas have captured my heart with their recently released album “Hearts And Arrows”. This autumn I had the opportunity to see both bands live within a few weeks. In the middle of September, Nowhere Bound played in the Tube in Düsseldorf and I could talk to Chris and Natchet. At the beginning of October, after the performance in the southern rock, I sat together again with Sam, the singer of Get Dead. In the show, of course, you can listen to both interviews. To do this one or other song of the bands and much more. Click on the banner below for the FaceBook Event.


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Ox Fanzine DE Reviews “Hearts & Arrows” Wed, 05 Oct 2016 03:03:36 +0000 Hearts & Arrows coverFull Article Here:

Langsames Intro, Schlag auf die Zwölf – und schon nimmt sie ihren Lauf, die Achterbahnfahrt der „Ohohohooo“-Chöre und „Wir wollen und fordern alles“-Riffs. Man hört diesen Jungs aus Austin, Texas auf ihrem neuen Album an, dass sie mit SOCIAL DISTORTION und dem Westcoast-Sound groß geworden sind.

Manchmal klingen sie auch nach Ostküste und Westeuropa und DROPKICK MURPHYS. Und wenn Christopher Klinck dazu singt, dann tut er das mit Inbrunst und einem Dreck in der Stimme, der auch Lemmy gefallen hätte.

So klingt das Leben in der texanischen Einöde, in der Beziehungen in die Brüche gehen, der Glauben größer geschrieben wird als alles andere und die Wut derer, die in Springsteen’scher Tradition ausbrechen wollen, wächst und wächst.

English Translation (Powered by Google Translate):

Slow intro, hit the Twelve – and she’s already taking her run, the rollercoaster ride of the “Ohohohooo” and “we want and demand everything” riffs. You hear these guys from Austin, Texas on their new album that they’ve grown up with SOCIAL DISTORTION and the West Coast sound.

Sometimes they also sound like East Coast and Western Europe and DROPKICK MURPHYS. And when Christopher Klinck sings, he does so with fervor and a muck in his voice that Lemmy would have liked.

That’s life in the Texas wastelands, where relationships break, faith is written higher than anything else, and the anger of those who want to break out of Springsteen tradition grows and grows.

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Das Rockt! Review of “Hearts & Arrows” Sat, 20 Aug 2016 02:50:47 +0000 Hearts & Arrows coverFull article here.

Album Nummer fünf stand auf dem Programm für die Band Nowherebound und dieses Mal wollte die Truppe aus Austin, Texas alles richtig machen. “Alles richtig” heißt hier in erster Linie die Aufnahmen in einem besseren Tonstudio aufzunehmen und auch das Mastern jemanden zu überlassen, der mehr von seinem Fach versteht als es bislang der Fall war.
Um dies zu gewährleisten hat man ganz auf die eigenen Fans gesetzt und sich dieses Vorhaben über IndieGoGo finanzieren lassen. Stolze 17 Punkrock-Songs mit einem akustischen und folklorischen Einschlag präsentieren die Masterminds Chris Klinck und Natchet Taylor. Die Gesangslinien von Chris harmonieren einfach perfekt zu den Melodien, vom Gitarristen Natchet. Mal gibt es eine mitswingende Midtemponummer, die von einem Piano geleitet wird, dann wieder Punkrockabrissbirnen in bester Pogogeschwindigkeit. Dazwischen sozialkritische Stücke, die über die aktuelle politische Situation in den USA handeln, aber auch Lobpreisungen an die heimatliche Barlandschaft (Red River and 8th) zeigen die textlich, aber vorallem musikalisch, breitgefächerte Palette dieser Truppe.

All dies gepaart mit der Gewissheit, dass die Band Live ein kleiner feuchter Punkrocktraum darstellt, macht das Album nebst dem Sound noch besser als es ohnehin schon ist. Herz was willst du mehr? Bleibt nur die kritische Nachfrage im Abgang dieses Albums: “Warum habt ihr uns diesen Sound so lange vorenthalten?”. (tiz)

English Translation (Powered by Google Translate):

Album number five was on the program for the band Nowherebound and this time the band from Austin, Texas wanted to do everything right. “All right” means recording the recordings in a better recording studio and also leaving mastering to someone who understands more of his subject than was previously the case.

In order to guarantee this, you have decided to rely on your own fans and have this project financed by IndieGoGo. Proud 17 punkrock songs with an acoustic and folkloric touch present the masterminds Chris Klinck and Natchet Taylor. Chris’ vocal lines blend perfectly with the melodies of guitarist Natchet. Sometimes there is a resonant midtempo number, which is led by a piano, then punkrock break pears in the best pogo speed. In between, socially critical pieces that deal with the current political situation in the US, but also praise to the native bar landscape (Red River and 8th) show the lyrical, but especially musical, wide range of this troupe.

All this combined with the certainty that the band Live is a small wet punk rock dream, makes the album in addition to the sound even better than it already is. Heart, what do you want more? Remains only the critical demand in the departure of this album: “Why did you withhold us this sound for so long?”. (TIC)

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Burn Your Ears Interview with Nowherebound/The Scandals Mon, 31 Aug 2015 02:40:18 +0000 NWBandScandals

Full Article Here.

THE SCANDALS aus New Jersey (Punkrock) und NOWHERBOUND aus Austin, Texas (Punkrock / Folk) waren vor ein paar Monaten in Europa auf Tour und haben sich in meiner Heimatstadt zu einem gemeinsamen Konzert getroffen. Zumindest Jared Heart (SC) und Chris Klink (NWB – früher BORN TO LOSE) kannten sich bereits aus der Vergangenheit und von gemeinsamen Shows. Da man sich gegenseitig sehr sympathisch und die Show auch einfach gut gelaufen ist, entschloss man sich dort, sich gegenseitig für BurnYourEars zu interviewen. Wie das aber mit Musikern (und Musik-Schreiberlingen, bei denen die Bands hinterher pennen) nun mal so ist, kam es an dem Abend nur noch zu alkoholischen Getränken aber zu keinem Interview.

Nachdem sich der Staub nach den Touren der Bands gelegt hat, entschloss man sich nun, das Ganze einfach via E-mail zu lösen. Hier nun die Abschrift dessen, was sich die alten Freunde gegenseitig aus den Rippen geleiert haben – der Einfachheit halber ausnahmsweise auf Englisch.

(English Translation by Google Translation):
THE SCANDALS from New Jersey (punk rock) and NOWHERBOUND from Austin, Texas (punk rock / folk) toured Europe a few months ago and met in my hometown for a concert together. At least Jared Heart (SC) and Chris Klink (NWB – formerly BORN TO LOSE) already knew each other from the past and shared shows. Since they were very sympathetic to each other and the show just went well, they decided to interview each other for BurnYourEars. However, as is the case with musicians (and music writers who are running after bands), it was only alcoholic drinks that evening, but no interview.

After the dust has settled after the tours of the bands, it was decided to solve the whole thing via e-mail. Here is the transcript of what the old friends have mutually emulated from the ribs – for the sake of simplicity exceptionally in English.


What is your memory of our first meeting? Apologies about the mic btw…

It was a pretty memorable night I must say. It was Asbury Lanes in I want to say 2008? The Scandals, Born to Lose, Burning Streets, and Somerville Town Drunks. It might have actually been one of the first times we headlined the lanes. (Which we didn’t realize until we got there). This was also the first meeting of you guys as well as Burning Streets.

All I remember is playing after you guys the house mic was a bit ‘moist’. When I sing I have a tendency to pretty much bite the mic and during one song I took a huge breathe and in turn inhaled a huge lougie from inside the mic. I’m pretty sure I immediately turned around, spit, and gagged for a few. I will never forget the taste of half caramel half cigarettes. Thank you for teaching me the lesson to use my own microphone wherever I go.

How has your experience with The Scandals changed you over the years, or has it? I know that’s a bit vague, but I guess what I’m asking is … has touring and/or lineup changes changed your outlook on the music, the band’s direction, or songwriting at all? Do you feel like you’re in the same headspace you were when it began, or has it been a bit of an evolution for you?

I think in some respects my thoughts have changed and in some they haven’t. I think my ideas on touring and songwriting have become a bit more streamlined and efficient since I have some idea of what to expect and enough experience on how to figure out the problems when they come up.

When it began I was an underage kid who would buy you a shot at the end of the show and now I’m the 25 year old who will still do the same. I love the road, and I’m extremely grateful to be able to meet the people that I have crossed paths with.

Old or new, what bands have been most influential to you over the years. I won’t ask for favorites, as I don’t know that I could personally name a favorite band … Instead, what band(s) have most influenced you as a player/singer/songwriter?

This is an intense question but here are a few that have really had an impact on my music.
One Man Army, Far From Finished, The Wallflowers, Lucero, Rancid, Lenny Lashley, and so much more.

Since you asked about tour gambling, I’ll flip the question around … What is the most you’ve lost while on tour, and to whom?

Oof, this is a rough one, usually because if I lost then I was probably a bit intoxicated. I think the most I lost to a single person was Danny from the Gaslight crew. We had a huge c-lo game going after our show with them in Richmond with about 8 of us and it escalated to a 20 dollar buy in, and ended up in two pushes and rebuys. So i was in a total of 60 bucks on the third roll and lost.
I believe the pushes were on trips and clo as well which was nuts. I was still up for the night after winning a couple rounds before that but that was a heavy loss. The most I’ve lost in general was in Cleveland on a day off when I didn’t realize I was playing “crapsless craps” for 20 minutes. What the hell is the point of that?

When are YOU coming to Austin? Much love, my friend.

Asap! Hopefully when the weather gets cold I can make my escape! Hope all is well brother.


Do you feel that the energy of shows both within the audience and the band changes drastically from an electric band to an acoustic band?

Of course … but as you mentioned, I think that’s true both on stage and in front of it. If you’re lucky, a crowd’s energy is a direct reflection of the energy the band on stage puts forth. So … if I’m sitting on a stool, I don’t expect the audience to be crowd surfing or pitting for example. For me, acoustic shows are best when they’re in a more intimate setting, as the songs are more stripped down and tend to be more personal in nature. In that setting, I prefer open ears to getting drenched in beer.

It’s a rarity to have an acoustic tune littered with ‘Heys’ or ‘Ois’ or big gang vocals, so an expectation of aggressive circle pits or the like is somewhat unrealistic and would feel somewhat out of place … just as a crowd sitting in chairs or on the floor would feel awkward if you’re doing a high energy punk rock set. I’ve been asked many times if I have a personal preference, and the simple answer is ‘no.’ I love playing music, and the older I get, the more I like playing different kinds of it.

The first 3 records were largely acoustic, blending elements of punk, folk, and country. ‘Mockingbirds’ was a return to the louder more punk rock approach. ‘All We Got Is Everything To Lose’ is sort of a blending of both. Our next record is slated to be heavier and faster than ‘Mockingbirds,’ and its subsequent release is being talked about as a hardcore record, but we’ll see. Play what you like, and if you’re lucky, the crowd will follow …

Whats the most amount of beers you’ve ingested during a set? (Spilled beers not included)

Ha. No idea. I’m a pretty quiet guy who struggles with terrible social anxiety, so beer has always simply been the necessary confidence booster for me to feel comfortable under stage lights … liquid courage if you will? I acknowledge how crutch-ish that sounds, but it is what it is. Thankfully, when I’m drinking, I’m usually a happy personable drunk, otherwise I fear none of my bands would have lasted very long. I know and have known plenty of people who feel right at home on stage, I’ve just never been one of them.

Has anyone ever asked you to “sing cleaner”?

Im a nightmare on engineers. D-essers, don’t work. Auto tune doesn’t work. It just is what it is. The other major contributor is that my natural (clean…er?) voice resides in bass octaves. Problem is … in a loud punk rock band, that range is often all but inaudible. Some venues have great PAs, great monitors, great sound engineers, but as often as not, you walk into a place and find that you’re working with a small practice PA, no monitors, and the promoter attending to the engineering duties for the evening. In that setting, you can be sure that very few will be able to hear a lower cleaner vocal.

So … as a singer (or screamer, I guess), you have to be ready both for the good stage/room sound along with the bad. If I want to be heard, I largely have to dwell at the top of my vocal range to ensure it, and with that, comes the gruff. Funny thing is, when I was younger, I wanted the grit and gravel of some of my favorite punk rock singers, and now I’d probably prefer a cleaner offering, but years of one have made revisiting the other pretty tough (too many vices, too many nights screaming, etc.).

Who’s the band that’s lost the most amount of money to you in dice while on tour.

No idea? Other than the occasional round of Threes Away (usually for no more than 5-20 cents), I really don’t gamble on the road that much anymore. In the early days, it passed the time, but we’d often be betting with cigarettes or drink tickets. After losing all of the former or the latter a few times, you start to think better of it.

It also seemed like anytime someone lost a series of rolls, the gauntlet got thrown down by way of a 20 dollar pot, at which point, I’m out. Watched those pots push too often, and suddenly you were in a dice game for 60 to 80 bucks, which on the road (or at home for that matter) is way too rich for my blood.

When are you coming to hang in Jersey? (Bring your own mic this time though …)

I wish I knew. Sadly, we really haven’t ever done a proper tour of the states in this band, largely because it’s just too expensive, especially now. When faced with the choice of doing multiple well organized tours through Europe over the course a year, or one American tour that hemorrhages money from day one, it isn’t much of a choice.

Sadly, in my experience, a lot of American promoters still think a single Facebook post, hanging one poster (of the 10+ you sent them), offering the band one drink ticket per person, no food, no place to sleep, and 50 bucks is good enough. It isn’t. Not if you want to make it to the next town anyway. It’s never been about the money for any of us, otherwise, we all would have quit years ago, but as you know, days off cost money. Days on do as well. If I’m lucky, I’ll still be doing this 5 years from now, but who knows?

And if I’m fortunate enough to be able to enjoy another few years of touring, I’d rather do as much of it as I can (before I’m too old, too irrelevant, or too tied down with real life), which likely means touring overseas. The boys and I really do desperately want to take a trip up east though, whenever we can make it work (translation=break even). The northeast was a home away from home for me for so many years, and I truly miss those friends, bands, and cities. We were always treated like family, and I owe most all of the best years of my life touring to the kindness we were afforded from the folks up there. Fingers crossed, we can find a way to make it happen … sooner rather than later. And for you, Jared, I will bring my own Mic.

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London Celtic Punks Reviews “Til’ Death, For Life” Sat, 13 Jun 2015 02:28:31 +0000 Til Death, For Life - CoverFull Article Here.

Formed in 2010 out of the ashes of local Texan punk bands Nowherebound have had a very busy 2015 plying their brand of folk-country-punk rock. Not only have they gigged across the States and Europe (unfortunately missing out on these shores) but also found time to release this EP as well as their fourth album, ‘All We Got Is Everything To Lose’.

‘Til Death, For Life’ was originally released as a 12″ split with German band Rock Shit Hot on Ring of Fire Records. A reworking of a couple of crowd favourite old songs and some new songs. From hard rock in-yer-face to pop punk melodies to raise-your-glass-and-sing-along-anthems Nowherebound hit you in the heart and head. On this EP though they concentrate on showcasing their acoustic side and it works… hell yes, it works!

Recorded and produced and mastered by the band themselves the production is top class and as clear as a bell. The EP kicks off with a new song ‘Bullet And A Tooth’ and shows the boys at their acoustic best. They can certainly rock out when want but they also a fantastic acoustic band too. Comparisons to Social Distortion are inescapable but Nowherebound plough their own field and if anything have taken that ‘country folk punk’ sound and took it in another direction from Mike Ness and crew while stamping it with their own Texan brand. Laid back acoustic punk with lovely banjo playing from Natchet while the raspy tortured vocals from Chris compliment the music perfectly. ‘California’ follows and is a real country masterpiece. It first appeared on their debut album ‘The Songs Of Broken Men’ back in 2011. Remixed and remastered  the song has been given a lift I hadn’t thought possible. A great song and I don’t hear enough harmonica in celtic-punk so loving hearing it here. Last years album ‘Mockingbirds’ is visited for ‘Here I Am’ and the band give it plenty of oomph with harmonica starting off the track before the band join in and prove once again that Nowhwerebound are masters of country-folk-punk. Great musicians with great songs.


From left to right…Chris Klinck, Natchet Taylor, Dylan Karn, Trevor Wiseman, Robert Williamson.

The band standard ‘Nowherebound’ is another track from that debut album given the same treatment as ‘California’ and again the song is lifted up. Easy to see why its a fan favourite with a great chance to get that pint in the air and shout the heartbroken words at the top of your voice. Not much joy here but hey isn’t that just the band sticking close to their country roots? ‘That Was Yesterday’ is another track from ‘Mockingbirds’ and is done in the same style as the other ‘Mockingbirds’ song. Stripped down from the original and started again. The EP ends with another new song ‘Wander Round’ and has a Street Dogs feel to it. I say that though it seems to me that its the Street Dogs who sound like Nowherebound to be honest. A great EP and as I’ve loved everything Nowherebound have recorded I’m off to get the new album now so expect a review of that hitting these pages soon too!

Six tracks coming in at just under twenty five minutes and if you’re a fan like me you’ll be wanting to get it. If you’re new to the band then this is a perfect as place to start as you can get. The band have managed to capture all six songs with that classic Nowherebound sound. I love them and i love the way they can change tempo form slow to fast in a way that you hardly notice. Superb and I would mark them the best band going that plays this style of music. Tales of love, loss brotherhood and life on the road except next time though lads make sure that road leads you to London England!
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Kids and Heroes Review – Nowherebound’s “Mockingbirds” Thu, 02 Apr 2015 01:53:17 +0000 lednu-pixFull article here.

Když před pár lety oznámila konec  austinská partaBorn To Lose, byl jsem fakt smutnej. Energickej přímočarej punkrock, Klinckův chraplák, chorály, to bylo prostě moje! O to příjemnější zjištění bylo, že z jedné mrtvé kapely se zrodily dvě nové a že se jede dál. O druhém štěpu nazvaném Threes Away možná jindy, ale teď bude řeč o Nowherebound. To se vezme trochu z Born To Lose, trochu z New Disaster (druhý spoluzakladatel je Natchet Taylor), s pomocí bývalých parťáků se to dokoření, promíchá a vznikne z toho country punk folková směs ostrá jak pravé texaské chilli con carne. No a protože po prvních čistě akustických albech vylezli nedávno ze studia s novou dlouhohrající deskou Mockingbirds, která bude podle všeho jejich zatím nejzásadnějším počinem, vyráží na tour po Evropě, v rámci které samozřejmě nevynechají ani Českou republiku! Praha, Brno, Teplice a Plzeň se mají na konci ledna na co těšit!

English Translation (Powered by Google Translate):

When a few years ago announced the end of the Austin crew Born To Lose, it was really sad. The energetic straight punk rock, Klinck‘s bumps, chorals, it was just mine! It was a more pleasant finding that two new bands were born from one dead band and that it was going on. The second graft called Threes Away might be another time, but now it’s going to be a talk about Nowherebound. It takes a bit of Born To Lose, a little bit of New Disaster, the second co-founder is Natchet Taylor, and with the help of former partners, it gets mixed up and a country punk folk mix is made as a real Texas chilli con carne. Well, because after the first purely acoustic albums they recently climbed out of the studio with the new Mockingbirds album, which would seem to be their most important act so far, they will go on a tour of Europe, of course, not to miss the Czech Republic! Prague, Brno, Teplice and Pilsen are looking forward to the end of January!

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Plastic Bomb EU Review of “Mockingbirds” Tue, 17 Mar 2015 02:46:44 +0000 Mockingbirds LP CoverFull article here.

Bereits das 3. Album, der aus Mitgliedern von BORN TO LOOSE und NEW DISASTER bestehenden Kapelle. Anfangs noch als Duo unterwegs und selbiges auch rein akustisch, sind die Kollegen inzwischen zu ner “richtigen” Band geworden. NOWHEREBOUND sind übrigens auch Strom betriebenen Instrumenten mittlerweile nicht mehr ganz abgeneigt, was den Herren aus Texas auch wirklich alles andere als schlecht steht. Erinnern streckenweise an so Sachen wie die neueren Songs der HUDSON FALCONS, oder eine Streetpunkvariante von THE GASLIGHT ANTHEM und FLOGGING MOLLY. Gut kommt die raue Reibeisenstimme von Sänger Chris Klinck, auch die Band ist fitt. Kann man, wenn man auf derartiges steht, eigentlich nicht viel verkehrt mit machen mit dieser Mischung aus Country, Americana, Folk und Punk. Limitiert übrigens auf bloß 300 Stück Mein Anspieltipp wäre „Culture Zero“… (Ring Of Fire Records /

English Translation (Powered by Google Translate):

Already the 3rd album, consisting of members of BORN TO LOOSE and NEW DISASTER Chapel. At first as a duo on the road and the same purely acoustically, the colleagues have now become a “real” band. Incidentally, NOWHEREBOUND are no longer quite averse to electricity-powered instruments, which is anything but bad for the gentlemen from Texas. Reminiscent of such things as the newer songs of HUDSON FALCONS, or a streetpunk version of THE GASLIGHT ANTHEM and FLOGGING MOLLY. Well comes the rough grater voice of singer Chris Klinck, also the band is fit. Can you, if you stand on such, actually do not do much wrong with this mix of country, Americana, folk and punk. By the way, limited to just 300 pieces My reference tip would be “Culture Zero” … (Ring Of Fire Records / -Basti

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